TV Personality Jobs: Difference Between News Reporting & Entertainment Reporting
See leading Southern California media coach, Shannon O'Dowd's take on the difference between entertainment and news reporting!

Asking Informed Questions & Adding Anecdotes with Selling Products When Hosting a Show:
Leading Southern California media coach, Shannon O'Dowd gives a hot take on the importance of good questions and engaging anecdotes in t

Tips for a TV Host Audition
Shannon O'Dowd is a leading media coach in Southern California. See her tips for landing your dream hosting gig!

TV Hosting Tips: What Isn't a Good Headshot for Hosting?
Before you even ask yourself how to become a talk show host, get your head shot in order! See Shannon's most recent TV hosting tips here

TV Hosting Tips: What Should be In A TV Hosting Reel?
Have dreams of being a TV host? Well then, you're in luck! See Shannon's tips for making the perfect TV reel here!

Working “Off Script” May Be Better!
There are many out there who will write a script before they say anything to the camera. I don’t recommend this. There is some research...

What To Expect From Your Media Coaching Session
This is going to be dependent on the package that you purchase from us. I will, however, use this space to cover absolutely everything...

Media sources need to do their job and being an excellent resource as a go-to expert for journalists will benefit by giving greater...

Media Training basics
Things You Need to Consider in Media Training For greater media coverage, it is ideal to be seen and heard in the media as much as...

Ready to Get Started? Get On TV Networks As An Expert!
So you’re ready to get started and you want to make appearances on local news stations and talk shows speaking on stories of the day with...