A common question when trying to build your brand online through social media is whether or not you should incorporate personal photos along with your professional photos, videos, and graphics.
A good rule of thumb here is that you really need to establish your brand and your pages, to make sure that you're giving valuable content to your audience on a regular basis. Once you establish that trust and your audience knows they can count on you to provide that content and value to them on a consistent basis, that's when you start to sprinkle in a little bit of your personal life, so that they're feeling like they get to know you too. That's when it becomes appropriate and even really fun. Both for you and your followers! By then they are invested in you and excited to have a relationship with you and get to know you better.
So the answer is, once you’ve established your page and brand…then, every once in awhile, throwing in a personal photo can really be appropriate.
Like I throw in pictures of her here! https://www.instagram.com/theshannonodowd/
Shannon O’Dowd is an on-camera host, commercial spokesperson, & media training/on-camera instructor. Shannon has been working on both sides of the camera for well over a decade. I eat, sleep, and breath on-camera training and coaching. I literally wrote the book on how to prepare and embellish your on-camera performance. Finding talent managers and eventually, agents mean focusing on building out your resume, headshots, and sizzle reel. Having on-camera training can get you ready for the audition. I go above and beyond for my clients and teach up and coming professionals and established talent all over the Los Angeles area. Reach out! I want to continue to build a thriving community of entertainers.